when lifelong dreams come true

I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember.

As a kid, I loved writing “scripts”. One I remember fondly involved both Jesus AND the Muppets (a fantastic combination if I do say so myself). I attempted to perform it on the neighborhood street corner, and although I was sure it would be a crowd pleaser, I don’t remember anyone actually showing up for the performance.

In high school I joined the multitude of angsty teenage poets, writing tear jerkers with all the wisdom I could muster at the ripe age of 15. As a theatre student, I wrote and performed relationship blockbusters, just an excuse to rehearse meaningful love/hate prose with my current leading man.

When I was 22, I had the privilege and heartbreak of writing my father’s eulogy, a priceless piece that I never would have chosen to write, never wished to experience, and never wanted to give. But nonetheless, I was given the distinct honor of trying to sum up my daddy in a page or two of words that would never accurately depict a 49 year life well lived.

I continued to write, mostly fiction for myself, plays for my students, or letters to the people in life who deserved words of affirmation, thanks, or encouragement.

But I always wanted to write a book. My dad always said I would write a book. I tried fiction, finishing a novel for young adults, starting a dystopian epic, shaving off a few short stories relating to my teenage audience. And as much as I loved the writing process, there just wasn’t much passion.

Some dramatic lifestyle changes spurred me to start a blog. Real stuff about my own struggles, real pain, true purpose. My dad’s cancer, my own cancer, my battle with food, my adventure with life. And there it was. The stuff I wanted to write about.

My fingers practically flew across the keyboard, words springing to life like dandelions in my front yard.

Story. It was about making meaning, sharing stories, living this life adventure. It was about finding joy  – CHOOSING my response even though I couldn’t choose my circumstances. It was about INSPIRATION on the internet instead of slinging mud around. It was about making people’s lives better.

I woke up one day and decided that day was going to be the BEST DAY EVER. Because if that day was my last day, I wanted it to be the best day. My life experiences – my dad’s death, my own cancer, my heartbreak, my happiness, all of that culminated into more than just life lessons.

It was a lifestyle. The Best Day Ever Adventure came alive in me – the idea of living the way Jesus intended – the John 10:10 LIFE TO THE FULL way.

And then, the book.

Out of all of that, Choose: An Invitation to the Best Day Ever Adventure was born. It was a God nudge. He wanted me to write about all the things in my heart. To be honest and vulnerable and transparent about all the things. To put it on paper and share myself, my real self, with the world.

Big breath.

And now, in exactly one week, on October 10, 2017, that book will be officially “birthed”. It will be out there. For strangers and friends and teenagers and adults and all the people who want to read it.

It all started with a little girl who loved to write. Who lived through pain and suffering and love and life and death and brokenness and real. And the book is full of all those stories. Dead squirrels and broken car windows and homeless hats and hero husbands.

My real is poured out. In the open. For all to see. But all that matters is the obedience to the God nudge. Following His plan. You see, He is my audience, the One who inspired the book, who gave me the words, who gifted me this amazing wonderful life. So, no matter how hard it is to rip open my heart and reveal the real, I can do it because it’s for Him.

It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I’m a broken girl who is only enough because Jesus is enough. But the 21 challenges, 21 choices, and 21 opportunities to change are the same challenges, choices, and changes I’ve faced.

And now I get to share them with you.

My book will be available on Amazon and Kindle, launching on October 10, 2017. I hope you’ll join me on this Best Day Ever Adventure. Life is better when we do it together.