Dictionary.com defines PLUNGE as “immersion” – to cast suddenly into something. The #bestdayever PLUNGE is an adventure – a challenge to live the best life in a well rounded way. I want to, as Henry David Thoreau put it best,

“…live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.”

I want EVERYTHING life has to offer. I want to live the biggest life possible in the very short time I have on this earth. I want to live deliberately and intentionally.

The #bestdayever philosophy began in my life a couple years ago. I was ranting as usual to my students about making good choices, being the best versions of themselves. And then I said the words that have made a magnificent difference in my life,

“Everyday is the best day ever.”

At first the students responded with groans and eye rolls. But then the words just continued to roll out of my mouth.

“If today were your last day on earth, wouldn’t you want it to be the best one?”

The funny thing was, those words weren’t for my students. They were for me. I began telling myself those words everyday – that TODAY was the best day ever. I woke in the morning thanking God for the best day ever. My daughter wrote “BEST DAY EVER” and put it on a post-it on her desk at school. I put the quote on my wall at school in big, red, letters. Between BEST DAY EVER and CHOOSE JOY, I had a good mantra going.

Now, I know perfectly well that we are often handed pretty awful circumstances. I have had my fill of those (see my post on my dad’s cancer or my own cancer). But the best day ever part isn’t about the circumstances. Because if it were about the circumstances we could never have the best day ever. It’s about how we respond to those circumstances. It’s about making lemonade out of the lemons. So I


An amazing friend of mine gave me a stamp for my birthday that just says, “CHOOSE.” So now, I stamp my own arm and chase down the arm of my students to remind them that although we cannot choose our circumstances, we can certainly CHOOSE joy, kindness, love, patience, self-control, perseverance…and we can CHOOSE to have the best day ever.

So what is this PLUNGE ADVENTURE all about? It’s simple. Every month, I (or an amazing friend) will post a new adventure. It will include several PLUNGES for you to take – they may be spiritual, mental, physical, or they might just be a little crazy. There might be an exercise plunge, a food plunge, a kindness plunge – who knows! But life is all about taking plunges, trying new things, changing our outlook, revolutionizing our lives. But if today were your last day, wouldn’t you want it to be your BEST DAY? So, I ask you,


If you’re interested, fill out the contact form below.  Then, follow my blog. That way, you can either receive the e-mail PLUNGE posts or visit the blog itself. I will also be posting the PLUNGE posts on my Facebook page. The post will contain a short thought as well as a few PLUNGES. It is up to you whether you go on those adventures, but I challenge you to try. Why not? FDR said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And that’s true. What’s holding you back from living every day like it’s the best day ever? Are you ready for a change? Do you want more joy?


Here are The Plunges we have taken so far! Check out any or all of the Volumes below!

The Plunge: Volume 1

The Plunge: Volume 2

The Plunge: Volume 3

The Plunge: Volume 4

The Plunge: Christmas Edition

New Year…New Plunge

February 2015 Plunge

March 2015 Plunge

April 2015 Plunge

Fill out the contact form below and indicate you are going to take the PLUNGE. Let’s go on an adventure together to live the very best life with EVERY DAY being the BEST DAY EVER.